This is one of the HIIT Workouts I’ve been doing for the month of February which incorporates the whole body. I have been doing short but intense workouts recently, because I’m trying to balance out the time I get back from work with the time I have to go to rugby practice or time to put in on the blog. I know that I should wake up early and train, but I appreciate my sleep too much to do that right now.

The workout is a dumbbell one, using the dumbbells that I have at home, therefore I’d suggest you use the weight that is about 25% of your bodyweight, I have done myself a challenge for this month in training and nutrition and I can’t wait to share with everyone at the end of the month. Otherwise, for now, I hope that you enjoy trying this one out!

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DURATION: 17 – 20 Minutes – Depending on the Number of Rounds (3-5)

REST TIME: 30 Seconds

DB Front Squat – 30 Seconds

DB Curl-To-Press – 30 Seconds

DB Romanian Deadlift – 30 Seconds

DB Push Press – 30 Seconds


Crunches – 30 Seconds

Reverse Crunches – 30 Seconds

Side Plank – 30 Seconds per Side

Star Plank – 30 Seconds

When I first did this workout, I did about 5 rounds because I hadn’t trained in 2 weeks so I wanted to push myself, otherwise for starters I’d say start with 3 rounds to complete the workout in about 12 minutes. It is high intensity so it’s good to get a good warm up in to prevent injury.


The time works for me, so I can accomodate for other things I want to do, I always finish the workout with some interval sprints of 200m x 4, resting 30s before the next set, therefore making it an excellent conditioning session. Ensure that you get a lot of carbs and protein after the workout to replenish your energy and prevent too much breakdown of your muscles.

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