Reducing face fat can be just as stubborn as belly fat. When you’re trying to lose fat, you must reduce your overall body fat percentage to see results as you can’t choose where to lose fat.

There are many unnatural ways to get rid of it, but you are not here for those. You want sustainable methods that will ensure that you can reduce face fat if not remove it for good.

You must look at what your current lifestyle habits are and what you’re not doing that you should start doing to help you on this fat loss journey. These tips will be highly specific to help you take action as soon as possible.

How Your Body Loses Fat

You lose fat when your body doesn’t have anymore available energy from the food that you have eaten and in your glycogen (broken down carbs) stores to use and starts using energy stored in fat cells.

This can be achieved through a calorie deficit:

  • Eating less calories in your diet than you burn daily
  • Burning more calories than you eat through exercise

How Food Affects Your Fat Loss

The type of food you eat also plays a factor because nutritious food will result in you optimizing your bodily functions with food that is high in nutrients (macros and micros) which is highly beneficial for your health.

Food that is low in nutrients (e.g. fast food, sweets) can result in a build up of calories that can hinder your fat loss journey. Some of this food also carries additives through processing that can be harmful for your long-term health and overall well-being.

How Can One Reduce Face Fat?

1. Drink At Least 2 Litres of Water Per Day

Your body is made up of about 60% water and it naturally loses it every day through breathing, sweating and urinating etc. It is your duty to keep hydrating it by drinking at least 2 litres of water.

Water can act as an appetite suppressant when you drink it throughout the day. It can help you get full quicker when you eat before, during and after your meals.

2. Lift Weights at Least 3 Times Per Week

When you lift weights, you burn calories and build muscle. Building muscles can increase your metabolism through your body requiring more energy to maintain your muscles. You can choose the way you lift weights dependent on your goals and how you want to get your intensity in:

  • Muscular endurance: 2-3 sets; 12-20+ reps; 30-75 seconds rest; 50-70% weight of your 1 rep max.
  • Hypertrophy (muscle growth): 3-5 sets; 6-12 reps; 1-2 minutes rest; 80% weight of your 1 rep max.
  • Strength: 3-5 sets; 1-5 reps; 2-5 minutes rest; 80-100% weight of your 1 rep max.

Incorporate neck stretches, exercises and face massages that keep the blood flowing in your face and work the muscles there too. You can check out some of the workouts at muscle and strength that you can try for beginners.

3. Do At Least 90 Minutes of Cardio Per Week

Cardio is the aerobic exercises that improve your heart health and lung capacity. When you do cardio, you burn calories and can lose fat if you maintain a calorie deficit.

When you are lifting weights and include cardio in your routine, you increase your chances of fat loss. You also increase the chances of improving your toned or shredded look as the muscle grows and gets revealed.

HIIT Cardio is an option you could try implement in helping get through your cardio during the week.

4. Sleep 8 Hours Every Night

Your body burns calories in everything that you do, this is called the body’s Basal Metabolic Rate – the rate at which energy is used by the body. When you build muscle, your body burns more calories in maintaining those muscles.

This is why it is important that you get 8 hours of sleep, so that your muscles recover during your sleep and they grow. This will also in turn help you burn more calories from the muscle maintenance.

5. Fast for 16 Hours, Eat for 8

Intermittent fasting is a method of eating in which you have separate time periods of fasting and eating. The idea is to keep the time you have to eat at a minimum to increase the chances of being in a calorie deficit.

The recommended method to start with is the 16/8 method, where you fast for 16 hours and eat within an 8-hour period. It is easier when you ensure that the first 8 in the 16-hour fast is covered by your sleep.

Fasting is difficult to start as you will get hunger pains or headaches, but these do subside over time.

The Takeaway

Unfortunately, you cannot choose where you want to lose fat, because spot reduction is a myth. All actionable steps you can take for reducing face fat, is the same steps you will take to lose any other fat in your body. These are actionable steps you can implement when you feel that you’ve got no direction in your fat loss journey:

  1. Drink At Least 2 Litres of Water Per Day
  2. Lift Weights at Least 3 Times Per Week
  3. Do At Least 90 Minutes of Cardio Per Week
  4. Sleep 8 Hours Every Night
  5. Fast for 16 Hours, Eat for 8

It is important to note that developing healthy habits is more important than achieving a goal in fat loss. The point is never to try and lose it, but more to lose it and keep it off in the most sustainable way.


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