Carbohydrates are macro nutrients that are found in fruits, grains, vegetables and milk products. These carbohydrates can take on the name of sugars, starches and fibers found in food.

Fat gain occurs when you have unused calories in your body that it stores as fat. The fat gradually builds up as you consistently eat in a calorie surplus resulting in an increase in your body fat percentage.

Function of Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are the main energy source of the body. They prevent protein from being used as an energy source i.e. prevents loss of muscle. They also prevent the use of fat as energy source, so it can be used for its own functions, like being the body’s insulation and protection in cold climates and impact.

Their benefits are dependent on the source you get them from as you get two different types, being simple and complex.

Simple vs Complex Carbohydrates

Simple carbs are digested and absorbed quicker in the body than complex carbs. They are usually found in fruits, milk products and some vegetables.

Some simple carbs are also found in sweets, soft drinks and syrups. Most of these are processed sugars that have little to no nutritional value, therefore you should minimize their intake.

Complex carbs are often referred to as starch. They are foods like rice, potatoes, pasta and corn etc. The body doesn’t break them down easily.

The difference between the two comes in that simple carbs can provide a spike in energy because they are absorbed quickly. Complex carbs gradually provides the body with energy. Simple carbs are also made up of only one or two sugars, while complex carbs have more than two.

You should eat more complex than simple carbs, because of their sustainable energy supply that won’t lead to blood sugar levels to rapidly increase and then decrease.

How You Get Fat

Calorie Surplus

Carbohydrates are not the reason you get fat, you can get fat from eating protein and fat too. Your body only gets fat when you consistently eat more calories than you burn.

You can prevent this from happening by counting your calories and/or macros. There are ways to make fat loss easier without counting your nutrient-intake. Otherwise, the most effective way to burn more calories is through exercise. Try exercise at least 3 times a week to keep yourself health and fit in a good range of body fat percentage.

Underactive Thyroid (Hypothyroidism)

The thyroid gland is found in your throat below your Adam’s Apple and it secretes vital hormones that keep the cells in your body functioning normally.

One of the hormones keep your metabolism (rate at which your body converts food and fluid into energy) functioning normally. When this gland is underactive, it doesn’t secrete enough of this hormone which results in your metabolism slowing down.

If your eating habits remain the say me when your metabolism has slowed, your body takes longer to convert everything you consume into energy and with those excess calories you will fat gain.

According to Healthline, taking Vitamin B-12 supplements can help repair damage caused by Hypothyroidism, but also foods like tuna, cheese, milk and eggs naturally come with B Vitamins.

Always consult a physician before trying any supplements, especially if you have underlying health conditions.


Cortisol is known as the “stress hormone” and is released in stressful situations and result in you desiring some junk food or “comfort food”. This food is usually sugary or high in calories and make you feel better. This can develop into a habit if your stress levels a constantly high.

The reason this occurs is because your insulin (helps in absorption of blood sugar) levels increase, this reduces your blood sugar levels and you’ll desire these sugary foods.

Reduce your stress levels by practicing deep breaths and meditation or take naps and sleep more.

There are other health conditions and genetics that play a huge factor in your fat gain. This is why it is important to know your family history with health conditions. Doing regular check ups to see if you may have chronic diseases is also important.

Do Carbs Make You Fat or Calories

No single macro nutrient makes you fat, the only time carbohydrates make you fat, other than underlying health conditions, is if they exceed your required calorie intake. You must know how many calories you should eat to maintain or lose your weight.

The reason people think carbohydrates make you fat is because they are usually high in calories per serving. This is especially true with complex carbs, which are also digested and absorbed slowly. You can eat carbs and still be in a calorie deficit, which is what is important to not gain fat..


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