You don’t usually expect to lose fat when you eat more, but there are ways in which you can do this without worrying about gaining fat.

The problem lies in not understanding that a high quantity of food doesn’t necessarily mean that you are eating more calories. Calories are the energy units that are found in all food and drinks that we consume. There is certain food that has more calories than others because of certain macronutrients that have more calories than others.

Fat has more calories per gram at about 9 kcal than carbs and protein which carry the same at about 4 kcal. Using this analogy, you can find ways to eat more and still lose fat. Always keep it as simple as possible, it is important that wherever you are in your fitness journey, you ensure that you keep it as simple as possible.

This way you can lose fat virtually subconsciously. You must be willing to work hard, patient and disciplined in your pursuit and focus on sustainable fat loss and not fast fat loss. Also, do not restrict yourself, because you’re human and have desires that build up which you should satisfy occasionally.

Remember what the focus is when you want to eat more and still lose fat:

  1. High quantity of food doesn’t necessarily mean more calories. There is a difference in the quality of the food, because of its nutritional value (calories and macros).
  2. Fat contains more calories per gram (9 kcal) than carbs and protein (4 kcal).
  3. Keep things simple in the way you eat.
  4. Focus on sustainable and not quick results.

1. Eat More Vegetables, Fruits and Whole Grains

Vegetables and fruits are a couple of the lowest calorie foods that you will get on the market. They are also high in vitamins and minerals necessary for your bodily functions.

You shouldn’t worry about the sugar that are found in fruit, because it is naturally in it. Sugar does cause a spike in your blood sugar levels, but the sugar in fruit doesn’t negatively affect it like the sugar (sucrose) found in table sugar and sweets.

You can get a great amounts of vitamins from vegetables like spinach, carrots, broccoli, green peas and sweet potatoes. Some of these can be high in carbs like green peas and sweet potatoes, but they are also filling and keep you full for longer.

This brings me to whole grains, which are relatively low in calories, but can be very filling. Their nutritional values are usually high if not refined like in some cereals. Their texture makes them either difficult for the body to digest or slower to digest preventing spikes in blood sugar levels.

The dietary fiber found in all three of these products aid in the digestion and suppressing your appetite for you to reduce your calorie intake for fat loss. You will feel full and still be in a calorie deficit.

2. Eat More Lean Protein Sources

Lean proteins are protein sources that are low in fat, which reduces the amount calories that are found in them since fat contains more calories per gram than carbs and protein,

They will be high in protein and low in carbs and fat, which is beneficial when you want to lose fat. When are doing strength training, cardio and in a calorie deficit you will lose water, fat and muscle, but to reduce the loss of muscle, you must ensure that you have a high intake of protein. This in turn will give a more toned or lean look.

Lean protein sources that you can look to are chicken breasts, lean beef/mince, plain greek yoghurt, pork loin, eggs and more.

3. Avoid Skipping Meals

When you are busy or having a long day, you can forget to eat or not have time to eat at all. This can lead to skipped meals that results in hunger and wanting to find anything that will fill you up.

I personally struggle with this occasionally, there would be times that I do not eat for a long period of time and this leads to me becoming really hungry. The problem with becoming too hungry, it lowers your blood sugar levels and this results in you desiring high-carb/fat or “comfort” foods that are not particularly nutritious and other than make you too full, they also cause your blood sugar levels to spike.

When they spike, they also crash, which will cause you to become sluggish and tired. This food will also be high in calories due to carb and fat content. Maintain a consistent amount of food that will ensure that you are adequately fueled throughout the day.

4. Try Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting is a way to eat or diet in which you have a time period to fast and one in which you will eat. This can work well if you are able to keep your discipline and understand that you will go through the hunger I mentioned above.

The benefit of going through Intermittent Fasting is that your eating period will usually be shorter than your fasting period. This can help you eat a lot more in a small period of time than if you were to have the whole day to eat, especially if your diet is not as nutritious or healthy as you’d like it to be.

A lot more food in a shorter period of time can help reduce the amount of calories you consume, because there is high chance that you won’t have enough appetite for a lot to eat. If you manage to maintain the above foods as your main food sources, the fat loss will be a lot easier too.

If you are a man and new to intermittent fasting or need assistance with it, check out The Coach: Men’s Health App and sign up for it, so that it helps keep you disciplined and ensure that you lose fat sustainably. You will also learn more about intermittent fasting and be notified on your own schedule you create for it.

5. Have A Meal Plan You Can Consistently Follow

I have come to realize that your schedule and how busy you are dictates what you eat, when you eat it and how often you can eat it. Use this concept in setting out your meal plan for every day.

I grew up eating 3 meals per day until I got to high school where I would have 4 to 5 meals trying to bulk up. In my last year of high school I had stuck to the 4 to 5 meals, but with smaller portions and have played between that until now where I only have 3 meals per day again. It is like things have gone full circle, because of my schedule.

I work from 7:30-16:30 with gym at 05:00 and running in the evening and this has lead to having less time to eat. I have adapted to 3 large meals throughout the day with lots of water and fruit in between.

You must adjust your schedule so that you can eat more and still maintain a calorie deficit for you to lose fat. Your activity levels play a huge role in this, because the more active you are, the more calories you burn.


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