This is another upper body HIIT workout, but one that focuses on working your back and biceps, so in essence, a Pull HIIT Workout that is actually part of my current workout routine at home, since I cannot train anywhere else right.

I am really lucky that I decided to buy the dumbbells a long time ago and had not sold them during this lockdown, because now I have something to help me still build muscle and improve fitness. This is a dumbbell workout, but if you’ve got some resistance bands, water bottles or cans or anything, they can work too.

Take the time to focus on the movement and the muscle that you’re training, by squeezing in the contraction and releasing it as slow as possible to maximize time under tension (TUT), such is the case with all workouts that involve resistance or weights.

Muscles Worked

  • Back
  • Biceps

Equipment Required

  • Dumbbells
  • Towel/Mat

The HIIT Workout

Duration: 16 minutes

Sets: 4

Reps: 30 seconds per exercise

Rest: 30 seconds per exercise/set

  1. DB Bent Over Row
  2. DB Bicep Curls
  3. DB Bent Over Row Neutral Grip
  4. DB Hammer Curls


I will keep the home workouts coming, but maybe more bodyweight workouts and resistance band workouts, I haven’t forgotten about the fitness tips and cheat meal guides, I will keep rolling them out. If you have anything you need assistance with or anything else you want information on, it would be appreciated by both you and I to engage on, so please share.

These workouts are purposely short, but effective, such is the purpose of a HIIT workout and as I have been repeatedly advising, that you do finish your workouts with some core, I will probably add another one soon for more variety for you!


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